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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


OK Marvel fans, here we go again with one of the Friendly Federations wacky reviews again. Marvel hero Spiderman Vs Marvel hero Wolverine, who would win in a fight ? Each hero has a big fan following so this will cause arguments.

Strenght : Spiderman is the stronger Marvel hero. Spiderman has the strenght of a giants spider which is much stronger than Wolverine since his mutant powers don't really involve strenght. Winner: Spiderman

Agility : While the hero Wolverine is very slick and agile, Once again we have to give it to Spiderman who's agility is his main ability. Both can dodge attacks well but Spidey gets it. Marvel hero Winner : Spider man

Weapon: Spider man can spin his amazing web any way he wants but this hero is overmatched by wolverines claws. Wolverine can cut spider mans web if he gets caught but if spidey gets caught by Wolverines claws, he's bacon bits. No contest here. Marvel Hero Winner : Wolverine

Abilities : That's Spider sense is really cool but Wolverines healing power is better in a fight and wolverine's sense of smell is almost like spider sense. Again, no contest here. Marvel Hero Winner : Wolverine

The Fight: Sorry Spidey fans But I think Wolverine would win simply because his weapons (His claws) are just the perfect thing to negate Spider mans web. Spidey is a great fighter but he simply is at a disadvantage Vs Wolverine. The Claws and healing power of Wolverine in a fight would be too much for Spider man.

Tell us what you think ! Go to and then go to the contact US section and give is your opinion !

( Checkout Superman Vs Thor at

Checkout Hulk Vs Thor who wins in a fight ? Click below:
